Sharon Yeo 楊曉雲

Sharon Yeo 楊曉雲

I love food!

Appears in 4 Episodes

The Leducsiana Purchase

We follow up on the Public Spaces Bylaw, accelerating construction on the Valley Line West LRT, and the introduction of two new commissioners for the Edmonton Police C...

Blame Edmonton for the tariffs

City council heard about potential tariffs and how they might affect our city. Plus, the Edmonton Design Committee could be expanding its mandate, and we look at how c...

Public Spaces 2: Electric Boogaloo

We examine the updated Public Spaces Bylaw, which will be discussed at an upcoming committee meeting. Plus, an update on affordable housing on surplus school sites, an...

Accountability is police commissing in action

We discuss the 76 Avenue redevelopment, the latest police commission appointments, the end of the EMRB, and a well-known West Edmonton Mall record, which may not be a ...

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