The sour reality of cLIMEate anxiety
Download MP3Troy and Mack are joined by Chris Gusen to talk about the need for Edmonton to take immediate and meaningful action on climate change, and how we're doing so far.
Here are the relevant links for this episode:
The Brick
Chris Gusen
Covering Climate Now
- Taproot joins Covering Climate Now
- Covering Climate Now - CJR
- Covering Climate Now signs on over 170 news outlets
- United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019
Energy Transition
Climate Action
- Edmonton Climate Strike
- General Strike for Climate Action - Sept. 27
- Climate Justice Edmonton
- Fridays for Future Canada
Get Involved
- Climate Resiliency Home Edmonton
- Edmonton Climate Vigil - Sept. 22
- Green Drinks: Climate Politics - Oct. 9
Speaking Municipally is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB. This week we highlighted the Common Ground Podcast, created by Irfan Chaudry in collaboration with Iman Bukhari to explore narratives of hate and counter-hate in Alberta. Learn more and listen to the latest episodes at We also, fittingly, talked about Rural Routes to Climate Solutions, a podcast that "dives into the technology and practices that are both good for the farm and good for the climate."
Speaking Municipally is produced by Taproot Edmonton, a home for curiosity-driven stories about our city, cultivated by the community. In addition to this podcast, Taproot publishes the Council Roundup every week. Sign up to get it delivered by email for free.
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