It's Election Thyme

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It's the last episode before the election! There's one last dose of news with bridges and LRT, plus your final injection of election roundup. Plus, predictions so we can look back in horror at how wrong we were.
Here are the relevant links for this episode:

Best Cities
Stantec Tower
Aurora Borealis
Troy's week
TransEd Announcement
Ada Boulevard Bridge
Urban Planning
Election Rundown
Speaking Municipally is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network: locally grown, community supported.

This week we highlighted fellow APN member Quantum Kickflip which features six Edmonton comedians play Slugblaster, a sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game developed in Alberta. We also talked about the Alberta Association of Optometrists which represents almost 800 Doctors of Optometry in over eighty communities across the province.

Speaking Municipally is produced by Taproot Edmonton, a source of curiosity-driven original stories, curated newsletters on various topics, and locally focused podcasts, all in the service of informing Edmontonians about what is going on in their community. Sign up to get The Pulse, our weekday news briefing. It's free!
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It's Election Thyme
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